Created by the brilliant hugh macleod [Gaping Void]
….. the front page of a newspaper is completely covered with the olympic selections of the Canadian hockey teams. Of course the rest of the world doesn’t give a rats ass about hockey, so please stop bugging me about speed skating, the only sport that matters during the winter olympics. And HELLO, does anybody know we’re in the middle of an election campaign?
Meet Sheri the social worker, formally know as Sheri the student. Also known as my wife. She graduated a couple of months ago and her diploma arrived last week. She couldn’t attend the official ceremony in Victoria because we were in Nepal so it had a bit of an official feel to it when it arrived. It has a prominent place in the living room. Nobody could be more proud than me.
Innovation online still happens rapidly. I was on vacation for a month with virtually no access to the internet (except some blog updates). I’m still plowing through hundreds of entries in my feed reader to try and get back up to speed. Here are some things that stand out so far:
I have to be honest. Part of why I made a radical career change in the late 90’s was because “the internet was going to change the world”. Not too much later I was worried I made the wrong move. These were the days of marketers who didn’t get it; banner ads, pop-ups, pop-unders, spam, bad email marketing come to mind. But we’re back on track and great innovators have shaped a new internet experience and you can even call it web 2.0.
What has made me really excited recently is how Microsoft is showing a vulnerability through blogs and efforts such as channel 9. The interview with Bill Gates looks so genuine that’s almost endearing. I almost forgot that Bill is the richest man in the world. What Robert Scoble and his comrades are doing is the new marketing.
To that effect, Scoble points to a posting that describes it well.
At Tourism BC, our recently launched blogs are very successfull and people are talking about doing more. Things are officially exciting again.
Heineken has created a website about how to pour the perfect beer. Dutch style that is because in North America, they have a lot to learn about this subject. The website is in Dutch, but here’s a summary:
And that’s the perfect pour. For a video, goto, Click “Ouder dan 18 en grote breedband verbinding”, allow the popup to come up, click “tapcursus” and “doe het voor”. You’ll see the perfect pour in a typical Amsterdam cafe. Cheers!