

Pouring the perfect beer

By William Bakker | 12.02.05 | Comment?

pour.pngHeineken has created a website about how to pour the perfect beer. Dutch style that is because in North America, they have a lot to learn about this subject. The website is in Dutch, but here’s a summary:

  1. Foam. The main problem in North America is that beer is poured without foam. Foam is actually very important. It keeps the oxygen away from the beer. Oxygen and beer create gasses that fills you up, so less room for more beer. It also shows that the beer hasn’t gone bad and the glass is clean. The foam eventually turns into beer, so the nett loss is minimal. That’s why beer comes with “two fingers” of foam in the Netherlands.
  2. Clean Glass. Always clean the glass before pouring. Don’t use a dishwasher because the glass gets damaged. Use warm water with sodium. After, rinse the glass with cold water. Never dry the glass with a dry towel, it leaves fibers that destroys the layer of foam.
  3. Perfect Pour. Let some beer leave the tab before putting the glass under it. Control the flow so the beer spirals into the glass. Let some beer spill over.
  4. Remove access foam with a wet stick. It leaves an extra thin layer of water on top of the foam, another layer of protection against oxygen.

And that’s the perfect pour. For a video, goto http://www.perfecttappen.nl/, Click “Ouder dan 18 en grote breedband verbinding”, allow the popup to come up, click “tapcursus” and “doe het voor”. You’ll see the perfect pour in a typical Amsterdam cafe. Cheers!

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