I spend the last 5 days at the IA summit here in Vancouver. It provided me with the new inspiration and ideas I needed. There were many great speakers but the best session I attended was Jarret Spool’s pre-conference day-long session about the scent of information. Another session, also by Jarret about optimal User Experience design teams was also very good and timely as my primary objective is to move the website forward through constant evolution based on contant learning. Jarret has researched successful design teams and has observed the following team structures:
During his session I realized that we’re currently in between 2 and 3. We do share learning a quick as we can but we also require approvals still for very tactical executions. Not just food for thought, something I’m going to address immediately. Jarret’s was kind enough to put a copy of his presentation online (PDF).
Well, I didn’t intent my last post to be THAT dramatic. I took a 4 month break in blogging. Not voluntarily I have to add so there wasn’t much re-inventing happening. A long string of hosting issues and not enough time to deal with it was the main reason why I didn’t post anything. But I’m back with a new URL Wilhelmus.ca is a bit more representative than the old WilliamsWeekly since my blog wasn’t really a weekly thing anymore. It does provide me with the inspiration to rethink and re-invent (myself).