

Innovation Overload

By William Bakker | 06.28.05 | Comment?

A flood wave of innovation has come over me the last few days. It’s a great time to be a web professional:

  • Google launched Google Earth today, an upgrade of the Keyhole software they purchased recently. If you’re impressed with the satellite view of Google maps, Google World will blow you away. It not hard to imagine the potential for the Tourism industry
  • Google also launched personalized search (beta) today. This will personalize search results for individual users. It also launches a new era of Search Engine Optimization
  • Microsoft announced RSS support in Longhorn and demonstrated this in the new version of Internet Explorer. RSS support isn’t limited to IE7, it is a platform, allowing RSS support for all applications running on Windows. The demo on Channel 9 is mandatory viewing. It’s been a while since I’ve been excited by a Microsoft announcement
  • Apple introduces Podcast support in iTunes.

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