Budapest consist of two parts. Buda and Pest. The Danube devides the two parts. The castle in the background is on the Buda side. The chain bridge in the background is the first (real) bridge and was build about 100 years ago (if I remember correctly). The pretty girl in front is Sheri.
A “view” from the other side. The building in the background are the parlement buildings. Too bad of that big head blocking the rest of the view.
Apparently, this is me all day. Sheri claims that I don’t see anything because I’m reading in my guidebooks all day long. WRONG! I also look things up on my Blackberry.
I already miss the architecture in Budapest. And the courtyards. This is just a courtyard we found by walking into one of the enterances. No mention in any of my books.
Communist public art has almost completely disappeared from Budapest. But somebody was thinking ahead when they decided to collect most pieces and put them on display in a special park. I love social realism myself, I couldn’t get enough. The pieces were so over the top, with this one as a favourite.
Also in statue park. Stalins boots are all that’s left of this huge statue. It wasn’t the fall of communism in the early 90s that toppled him, it was the 1956 uprising. They never bothered to replace the statue but the parade balcony was still used.
Yes, it is possible to fall in love with a building. The Elephant House is the Zoo. I couldn’t get enough of it.
The dome inside the Elephant House. Look at the decorative art. The gold is the chandaleer, also with little elephants. I’m tempted to paint my ceiling like this at home when Sheri’s away for a few days.
One of the enterances into the Elephant House.
No, I’m not always looking in my guidebooks. The rest of the time I’m writing in my journal.
The Széchényi Spa where we spent our last afternoon is more like a giant palace. Picture is taken from the tower of the Elephant House by the way…