It’s been almost 3 months since my last post. Besides the fact that I’ve been busy, I was also re-thinking the purpose of my blog. I notice that it started to look like a collection of funny YouTube videos and random links. I didn’t spend enough time to write about the stuff I would really like to post about. So here are my intentions for the future.
- Tourism BC’s websites. We’re doing some interesting things with our websites. I’m going to share some of our thinking and ideas behind our releases.
- Travel and Tourism. Other tourism organizations and businesses are also doing interesting things. I’ll share what I hear and observe.
- Management. I believe that team=product. Without the right people and processes, you can have all the great ideas in the world, but nothing will get done. I have learned a lot about how to get things done.
- Personal. My family lives half way around the world and they like to know what I’m up to. So expect travel pictures and updates about my cats. I also have some views about life in general.
I’ve re-organized my categories according to the above list. I intent to post at least once a week.