

Google Analytics, where is my invitation?

By William Bakker | 04.01.06 | 8 Comments

So it’s been months since Google introduced Google Analytics, a free web analytics package. I’m plugged into the internet community reporting on these things so normally I would have been one of the first to sign-up. But the announcement came when I was on a month long internet-free vacation. And in typical fashion, Google limited the number of users to be able to scale it’s service in a controlled fashion. It’s a free service so I understand that they can’t open to floodgates. But now here we are, months and months later and I still haven’t received an invitation and as far as I can tell, almost nobody has received an invitation since the initial launch. In my job I send hundreds of thousands of dollars on Google AdWords and even privately I spend money on AdWords. But I haven’t received anything. And the Google Analytics website is doing a good job marketing the service. A service you can’t use. It’s getting frustrating and it’s not in Google’s best interest to frustrate a large number of people who are in positions like myself.
