Some people might put me in the Microsoft basher category after reading my last post. This is not true at all. For example, I was part of the team that selected a Microsoft Solution recently. This solution will, among other things, power our new website. But it does bother me that a year ago, Microsoft seemed to be completely disengaged in moving Internet Explorer forward in the short term. I believe in web standards and IE needs a lot of work to fully support the CSS2 specs and transparent ping support.
Microsoft displayed a certain arrogance because of their dominant position in the browser market. I assume this wasn’t intended and recently, a grass roots PR campaign is trying to fix this, in particular through a number of weblogs:
- IEBlog, the Microsoft Internet Explorer Weblog
- Dave Massy, Program Manager
- Jeff Dav, part of the UI team
- Tony Schreiner, Developer
There’s also a Wiki . Smoke and mirrors? Or will we see the improvements the web community has been craving soon?